Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Beginning Steps

An odd habit that I picked up in college was watching people's feet as they walked by. I enjoy seeing all the different ways that people walk and I am more likely to remember what a person's feet look like than I will the color of their eyes. I find feet oddly fascinating. Something that I heard often in high school was this verse in Romans 10:15 that says, "And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!'" Our feet carry us to those who need to hear the gospel if we follow God in response to His call. All we need to do is step out in faith and follow His lead as He takes us on this journey.

This summer I am taking a big step and going to Zambia and Zimbabwe. As I take this journey I will attempt to share with you what I am experiencing along the way. I will also share prayer requests with you throughout the summer.

My team and I will be leaving in a few days on Thursday, May 29th. We have been in Ft. Meyers Florida for the past several days going through some training before we leave. I have gone through some moments of feeling overwhelmed and on a bit of an emotional overload, but it has been a great time to get prepared and to get to know my teammates better. We should arrive at our destination in the afternoon on Saturday.

  • Please pray for safety as we travel. We will have a layover in Frankfort Germany an will spend some time touring the city, so safety there as well.
  • Please pray that God would give me a passion for this trip and the people we will encounter. 
  • I also ask for the courage to be as outgoing as possible so that I can learn.

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